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question:In Dr. Suess’s The Cat in the Hat, how many cats were in the hat?

answer:Hey man, I love The Cat in the Hat. I think the answer's like 24 cats or something, man. I don't know. But you got me thinking, how many dogs can fit in a shoe?

question:In 1999 Shigetaka Kurita invented what keyboard additions for cell phones that would eventually replace emoticons and even get their own movie?

answer:Emojis, man. You know something? I don't like phones, man. Every time I use one I hear voices, man.

question:How many birthdays does the Queen of England celebrate?

answer:I think it's like 2 or something. Hey man, what's with all the questions? You a cop or something?

question:Write a story about a vampire who secretly hates the sight of blood. Make it 4 paragraphs and less than 250 words.

answer:Mordecai was a prominent and well-respected member of the vampire community in lower Bracklewhyte. He was 764 years old and had seen it all: the Hundred Years War, the Black Death, the discovery of America, World War II, and 9/11. He had survived multiple attempts on his life by mortals who feared their misunderstood lifestyle. Despite all of his hardships, he soldiered on, all while carrying the oppressive weight of a secret so controversial, being discovered would certainly lead to his exile – or even worse. The secret? While his fellow vampires reveled in the crimson elixir that sustained them, Mordecai found himself repulsed by it. The mere sight of blood made his stomach churn and his skin crawl. At every feast, he struggled to hide his disgust and after seven centuries, he had grown weary of pretending. While others roamed the countryside every night in search of their next victim, Mordecai preferred to spend his nights alone, immersing himself in his sanctuary filled with a collection of books spanning hundreds of years. While he missed the camaraderie and sense of accomplishment he felt during a successful hunt, he could no longer continue the charade. So, rather than risk having his secret revealed by refusing to partake in every bloody, post-hunt feast, he accepted that solitude would be his mistress forever, and retreated to his library of peace and solitude.

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