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question:import backtrader as bt import pandas as pd import yfinance as yf import requests # setup bot token = '' def send_message(text): chat_id = '' url = f"{token}/sendMessage" params = { "chat_id": chat_id, "text": text, } resp = requests.get(url, params=params) resp.raise_for_status() class MovingAverageStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = (('fast_ma', 20), ('slow_ma', 50)) def __init__(self): self.fast_ma = bt.indicators.SMA(, period=self.params.fast_ma) self.slow_ma = bt.indicators.SMA(, period=self.params.slow_ma) self.crossover = bt.indicators.CrossOver(self.fast_ma, self.slow_ma) def next(self): if not self.position: if self.crossover > 0: elif self.crossover < 0: self.sell() class MomentumStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = (('period', 14), ('mom', 10)) def __init__(self): = bt.indicators.Momentum(, period=self.params.period) def next(self): if not self.position: if > elif < self.sell() class MeanReversionStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = (('period', 20), ('devfactor', 2)) def __init__(self): self.zscore = ZScore(period=self.params.period) def next(self): if not self.position: if self.zscore < -1.0: elif self.zscore > 1.0: self.sell() # Trend Following Strategy class TrendFollowingStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = ( ('fast_ma_period', 50), ('slow_ma_period', 200), ) def __init__(self): self.fast_ma = bt.indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(, period=self.params.fast_ma_period ) self.slow_ma = bt.indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(, period=self.params.slow_ma_period ) def next(self): if self.position.size == 0 and self.fast_ma[-1] > self.slow_ma[-1]: elif self.position.size > 0 and self.fast_ma[-1] < self.slow_ma[-1]: self.close() elif self.position.size < 0 and self.fast_ma[-1] > self.slow_ma[-1]: self.close() # Breakout Startegy class BreakoutStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = ( ('atr_period', 14), ('breakout_multiplier', 1.5), ) def __init__(self): self.atr = bt.indicators.AverageTrueRange(, period=self.params.atr_period ) def next(self): if self.position.size == 0 and[-1] > ([-2] + (self.atr[-1] * self.params.breakout_multiplier) ): elif self.position.size > 0 and[-1] <[0]: self.close() # Pairs Trading Strategy class PairsTradingStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = ( ("lookback", 20), ("entry_threshold", 2.0), ("exit_threshold", 0.5), ) lines = ("zscore",) def init(self): ratio = self.data0 / self.data1 ratio_sma = bt.indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(ratio, period=self.params.lookback) ratio_stddev = bt.indicators.StandardDeviation(ratio, period=self.params.lookback) self.zscore = (ratio - ratio_sma) / ratio_stddev self.long_entry = self.params.entry_threshold self.long_exit = self.params.exit_threshold self.short_entry = -self.params.entry_threshold self.short_exit = -self.params.exit_threshold def next(self): if self.position.size == 0: if self.lines.zscore[0] > self.long_entry: self.sell(data=self.data1) elif self.lines.zscore[0] < self.short_entry: self.sell(data=self.data0) elif self.position.size > 0: if self.lines.zscore[0] < self.long_exit: self.close() elif self.position.size < 0: if self.lines.zscore[0] > self.short_exit: self.close() class ZScore(bt.Indicator): lines = ('zscore',) params = (('period', 20),) def __init__(self): self.bband = bt.indicators.BollingerBands(, period=self.params.period) self.stddev = bt.indicators.StandardDeviation(, period=self.params.period) def next(self): self.lines.zscore[0] = ([0] - self.bband.lines.mid[0]) / self.stddev[0] if 1: ticker_pairs = [("MSFT", "AAPL"), ("GOOGL", "TSLA")] for ticker1, ticker2 in ticker_pairs: try: data1 =, start="2010-01-01", end="2023-03-28", auto_adjust=True, ignore_tz=True) data2 =, start="2010-01-01", end="2023-03-28", auto_adjust=True, ignore_tz=True) if data1.empty or data2.empty: raise ValueError(f"No data found for {ticker1} and {ticker2} in the specified date range.") data1 = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=data1) data2 = bt.feeds.PandasData(dataname=data2) strategies = [MovingAverageStrategy, MomentumStrategy, MeanReversionStrategy, TrendFollowingStrategy, BreakoutStrategy, PairsTradingStrategy] for strategy in strategies: cerebro = bt.Cerebro() if strategy == PairsTradingStrategy: cerebro.adddata(data1) cerebro.adddata(data2) else: cerebro.adddata(data1) cerebro.addstrategy(strategy) cerebro.addsizer(bt.sizers.FixedSize, stake=1) result = except ValueError as e: print(e) continue print( print("Total profit:", result[0].broker.getvalue() - 10000) print("Return on investment:", (result[0].broker.getvalue() - 10000) / 10000 * 100, "%") print("") Error message: [*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed [*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 185, in <module> result = ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 1127, in run runstrat = self.runstrategies(iterstrat) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 1293, in runstrategies self._runonce(runstrats) File "", line 1695, in _runonce strat._oncepost(dt0) File "", line 311, in _oncepost self.nextstart() # only called for the 1st value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 347, in nextstart File "", line 127, in next if self.lines.zscore[0] > self.long_entry: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "", line 461, in __getattr__ return getattr(self.lines, name) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'Lines_LineSeries_LineIterator_DataAccessor_Strateg' object has no attribute 'long_entry'

answer:I apologize once again for the confusion. I mistakenly only replaced `self.zscore` with `self.lines.zscore` and didn't replace other attributes with their respective lines. We also need to define `long_entry`, `long_exit`, `short_entry`, and `short_exit` as lines instead of using the attributes directly. Here's the updated `PairsTradingStrategy` class: ```python class PairsTradingStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = ( ('lookback', 20), ('entry_threshold', 2.0), ('exit_threshold', 0.5), ) lines = ('zscore', 'long_entry', 'long_exit', 'short_entry', 'short_exit') def __init__(self): ratio = self.data0 / self.data1 ratio_sma = bt.indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(ratio, period=self.params.lookback) ratio_stddev = bt.indicators.StandardDeviation(ratio, period=self.params.lookback) self.lines.zscore = (ratio - ratio_sma) / ratio_stddev self.lines.long_entry = self.params.entry_threshold self.lines.long_exit = self.params.exit_threshold self.lines.short_entry = -self.params.entry_threshold self.lines.short_exit = -self.params.exit_threshold def next(self): if self.position.size == 0: if self.lines.zscore[0] > self.lines.long_entry[0]: self.sell(data=self.data1) elif self.lines.zscore[0] < self.lines.short_entry[0]: self.sell(data=self.data0) elif self.position.size > 0: if self.lines.zscore[0] < self.lines.long_exit[0]: self.close() elif self.position.size < 0: if self.lines.zscore[0] > self.lines.short_exit[0]: self.close() ``` Now, the strategy should no longer run into any AttributeError issues.

question:J’ai du mal à dormir tôt, mais quand je m’endors il est difficile de me réveiller pourtant je suis toujours fatigué

answer:Il est possible que vous souffriez de troubles du sommeil, ou que votre sommeil ne soit pas suffisamment réparateur pour une raison quelconque. Voici quelques conseils pour améliorer la qualité de votre sommeil : 1. Adoptez un horaire de sommeil régulier : Essayez de vous coucher et de vous réveiller à la même heure tous les jours, même le week-end. 2. Créez un rituel de coucher : Mettez en place une routine relaxante pour vous préparer au sommeil, comme lire un livre, écouter de la musique douce ou prendre un bain chaud. 3. Faites attention à ce que vous consommez avant de dormir : Évitez les repas copieux, les boissons contenant de la caféine ou de l'alcool près de l'heure du coucher. 4. Créez un environnement de sommeil propice : Gardez votre chambre fraîche, sombre et calme. Utilisez un matelas et des oreillers confortables. 5. Soyez actif pendant la journée : L'exercice régulier peut aider à améliorer la qualité de votre sommeil. 6. Limitez les siestes : Si vous avez du mal à dormir la nuit, essayez de réduire ou d'éviter les siestes pendant la journée. 7. Évitez d'utiliser des écrans avant de dormir : L'exposition à la lumière bleue émise par les téléphones, tablettes et ordinateurs peut interférer avec votre horloge biologique et rendre plus difficile l'endormissement. Si vous avez essayé ces conseils et que vous continuez à avoir des problèmes de sommeil et de fatigue, il est préférable de consulter un professionnel de la santé pour évaluer d'autres causes possibles, comme l'apnée du sommeil ou d'autres troubles du sommeil.

question:Out of your busy schedule, if you can to give me 5-10 minutes of yours, it will be really helpful.

answer:As an AI language model, I don't have a schedule, and I'm available 24/7 to assist you. Feel free to ask me any questions or provide me with any instructions at any time, and I will do my best to help you.

question:Make a request to professor for a 10 minutes call today

answer:Dear Professor, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out because I would like to have a brief call with you today, if possible. I understand that you are likely quite busy, but if you could spare just 10 minutes of your time, it would be tremendously helpful to me. I have a few questions that I would like to discuss with you and I believe your insights would be invaluable. I am available at your convenience and can work around your schedule. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Best regards, [Your Name]

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