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question:Write a forum convo saying "I know they've had Totally before, but this is the first time REAL DW is airing on CBBC"

answer:**Thread Title: REAL Doctor Who Landing on CBBC for the First Time!** **WhovianRunner**: Hey, everyone! 🚀 Did you all catch the news? It looks like we're getting the REAL "Doctor Who" airing on CBBC for the very first time! I know they've had "Totally Doctor Who" before, which was fantastic for behind-the-scenes stuff and interviews, but this is the actual series! Exciting times ahead for younger fans and us older ones who are young at heart. Thoughts? **GallifreyGuardian**: Absolutely ecstatic to hear this! "Totally Doctor Who" was a nice appetizer, but nothing beats the main course! 😄 My kids are going to get the chance to experience it just as I did, growing up. It’s a brilliant move by CBBC. Does anyone know which Doctor or season they're starting with? **CyberPlanner**: This is amazing news! 🎉 I was wondering when they'd finally decide to introduce the main series to CBBC. It's such an important part of British culture, and every young fan deserves to grow up with the Doctor's adventures. I hope they start with some of the earlier seasons of the revival, maybe Eccleston or Tennant? **DalekSec**: As a parent, I'm thrilled! I've been slowly introducing my little ones to the Whoniverse, and having it accessible on CBBC just makes it so much easier. I do hope they consider the content carefully and choose episodes appropriate for younger viewers. Exterminate any worries about suitability, right? 😉 **TimeyWimeyFan**: This is the best news I've heard in ages! 🌌 I grew up with "Doctor Who" and the idea that it's going to be on CBBC is just... it's like coming full circle. "Totally Doctor Who" was cool for what it was, but there's nothing like the thrill of the actual series. **SonicScrewdriver**: Wow, didn't expect this! Great move by CBBC. "Doctor Who" has such a range of stories that can inspire and teach important values while being incredibly fun to watch. Just wondering about the airing times though – hopefully, they're at a good time so the little ones can watch before bedtime! **RassilonRanger**: I'm curious how they will frame it. Introduction segments? Special viewer guides? The lore can get quite complex, so it might be helpful for the younger audience. Either way, I'm all for it. Let's bring more fans into the TARDIS! 🌠 **SerenitySage**: This could be a fantastic gateway for kids into the wider world of science fiction and storytelling. "Doctor Who" has that unique blend of adventure, ethics, and science. I really hope this sparks creativity and curiosity in the younger viewers. Maybe we're looking at the future generation of scientists and writers! **K9Unit**: Brilliant decision! I’m just hoping they pair it with some educational segments or companion programs that dive into the real science and history touched on in the show. That’d make it an even more enriching experience for the kiddos. 🐾 **EchoTheSilence**: This news just made my day! I've been a Whovian since I can remember, and knowing that a new generation is going to have the Doctor's adventures more accessible is heartwarming. The show has a special way of making us think about morality, the universe, and our place in it. Here’s to hoping it inspires countless young minds! --- *This fictional forum conversation captures the excitement and discussions among "Doctor Who" fans and parents about the show airing on CBBC for the first time, focusing on the community's hopes and how the series might impact younger viewers.*

question:Segun la normativa dispuesta en Argentina para una sociedad anonima S.A. las reservas legales para ser consideradas tienen que estar aprobadas ?

answer:Sí, en Argentina, las reservas legales de una Sociedad Anónima (S.A.) deben ser aprobadas conforme a las disposiciones de la Ley General de Sociedades Nº 19.550 y sus modificaciones. Esta ley establece que una parte de las utilidades de la sociedad debe ser destinada obligatoriamente a constituir una reserva legal. La reserva legal funciona como una medida de protección del capital social y de los acreedores de la sociedad. Según la ley, cada ejercicio debe destinarse al menos el 5% de las utilidades netas a esta reserva hasta alcanzar el 20% del capital social. Este proceso se realiza mediante la aprobación de los estados contables en la asamblea de accionistas, donde se decide sobre la distribución de utilidades y la asignación a reservas legales conforme a los requisitos legales. Para que estas reservas sean consideradas válidamente constituidas, deben estar correctamente registradas en los libros de la sociedad y reflejadas en los estados financieros aprobados por la asamblea de accionistas. La aprobación de la asamblea es un paso crítico, ya que legitima las decisiones tomadas por los administradores de la sociedad, incluyendo la conformación de las reservas legales. Es importante destacar que la constitución de la reserva legal no es meramente una formalidad contable; representa un mecanismo de precaución para asegurar la solvencia de la sociedad y proteger tanto a los accionistas como a los terceros interesados. Una vez que la reserva alcanza el límite obligatorio del 20% del capital social, la sociedad puede dejar de destinar fondos a este fin, salvo que la asamblea decida otra cosa o que el capital social sea aumentado posteriormente.

question:y como es el tratamiento de las reservas facultativas ?

answer:Las reservas facultativas en Argentina, según la Ley General de Sociedades Nº 19.550 y sus modificaciones, son aquellas cuya constitución no es obligatoria por ley, sino que depende de una decisión voluntaria de la sociedad, usualmente adoptada por la asamblea de accionistas o el órgano de administración siguiendo lo que establezca el estatuto de la compañía. El tratamiento de las reservas facultativas implica varias consideraciones: 1. **Creación:** La decisión de crear reservas facultativas y el monto a destinar a estas suele basarse en diversos factores como los objetivos de inversión a largo plazo de la empresa, la necesidad de autofinanciación, o como una medida de precaución ante posibles futuros riesgos financieros. Tambien pueden crearse para fines específicos como expansión, investigación y desarrollo, o para la recompra de acciones propias. 2. **Aprobación:** Aunque son facultativas, la creación y el movimiento de estas reservas deben ser aprobados y formalizados dentro de los estados contables que la asamblea de accionistas aprueba. Esto garantiza transparencia y un adecuado manejo en línea con los intereses de la sociedad y sus accionistas. 3. **Utilización:** Respecto a su utilización, las reservas facultativas ofrecen una mayor flexibilidad en comparación con las legales. Pueden ser destinadas a distintos fines según lo determine la asamblea o el órgano de gobierno competente, siempre enmarcados dentro de los objetivos o necesidades de la empresa. Esto incluye, pero no está limitado a, expansión de la empresa, cobertura de pérdidas futuras, inversiones en proyectos específicos, entre otros. 4. **Normativas y restricciones:** Aunque son más flexibles, el manejo de las reservas facultativas no está exento de normativas. Deben ser administradas siguiendo el marco legal y estatutario de la sociedad, y su uso debe estar siempre justificado, procurando el beneficio de la misma y de sus accionistas. Además, en los estados financieros debe reflejarse su existencia y movimiento de manera clara y precisa, asegurando así la transparencia ante los accionistas y terceros interesados. 5. **Registro Contable:** En el plano contable, estas reservas deben registrarse adecuadamente en los libros de la sociedad. Este registro asegura que la información financiera presentada a los accionistas y potenciales inversores refleje de manera fidedigna la situación financiera de la empresa, incluyendo el capital real disponible para futuras operaciones o inversiones. En resumen, las reservas facultativas son un instrumento financiero importante para las sociedades anónimas en Argentina, permitiendo una planificación financiera estratégica a largo plazo y la posibilidad de responder de manera flexible ante necesidades financieras futuras o proyectos específicos. La creación y manejo de estas reservas deben seguir las disposiciones legales y estatutarias pertinentes, asegurando transparencia y alineación con los intereses de la sociedad y sus accionistas.

question:Please write the appropriate code in "FILL YOUR CODE HERE". <<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_CFG ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low // AMBA APB interface input wire psel_i, input wire penable_i, input wire [11:0] paddr_i, input wire pwrite_i, input wire [31:0] pwdata_i, output reg pready_o, output reg [31:0] prdata_o, output reg pslverr_o, // configuration registers output reg [31:0] src_addr_o, output reg [31:0] dst_addr_o, output reg [15:0] byte_len_o, output wire start_o, input wire done_i ); // Configuration register to read/write reg [31:0] src_addr; reg [31:0] dst_addr; reg [15:0] byte_len; //---------------------------------------------------------- // Write //---------------------------------------------------------- // an APB write occurs when PSEL & PENABLE & PWRITE // clk : __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__-- // psel : ___--------_____________________________ // penable : _______----_____________________________ // pwrite : ___--------_____________________________ // wren : _______----_____________________________ // // DMA start command must be asserted when APB writes 1 to the DMA_CMD // register // clk : __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__-- // psel : ___--------_____________________________ // penable : _______----_____________________________ // pwrite : ___--------_____________________________ // paddr : |DMA_CMD| // pwdata : | 1 | // start : _______----_____________________________ wire wren = psel_i & penable_i & pwrite_i; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) begin src_addr <= 32'd0; dst_addr <= 32'd0; byte_len <= 16'd0; end else if (wren) begin case (paddr_i) 'h100: src_addr <= pwdata_i[31:0]; 'h104: dst_addr <= pwdata_i[31:0]; 'h108: byte_len <= pwdata_i[15:0]; endcase end end wire start = wren & (paddr_i=='h10C) & pwdata_i[0]; //---------------------------------------------------------- // READ //---------------------------------------------------------- // an APB read occurs when PSEL & PENABLE & !PWRITE // To make read data a direct output from register, // this code shall buffer the muxed read data into a register // in the SETUP cycle (PSEL & !PENABLE) // clk : __--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__--__-- // psel : ___--------_____________________________ // penable : _______----_____________________________ // pwrite : ________________________________________ // reg update : ___----_________________________________ // prdata : |DATA reg [31:0] rdata; always @(posedge clk) begin if (!rst_n) begin rdata <= 32'd0; end else if (psel_i & !penable_i & !pwrite_i) begin // in the setup cycle in the APB state diagram case (paddr_i) 'h0: rdata <= 32'h0001_2024; 'h100: rdata <= src_addr; 'h104: rdata <= dst_addr; 'h108: rdata <= {16'd0, byte_len}; 'h110: rdata <= {31'd0, done_i}; default: rdata <= 32'd0; endcase end end // output assignments assign pready_o = 1'b1; assign prdata_o = rdata; assign pslverr_o = 1'b0; assign src_addr_o = src_addr; assign dst_addr_o = dst_addr; assign byte_len_o = byte_len; assign start_o = start; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_ENGINE ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low // configuration registers input wire [31:0] src_addr_i, input wire [31:0] dst_addr_i, input wire [15:0] byte_len_i, input wire start_i, output wire done_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) output wire [3:0] awid_o, output wire [31:0] awaddr_o, output wire [3:0] awlen_o, output wire [2:0] awsize_o, output wire [1:0] awburst_o, output wire awvalid_o, input wire awready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (W channel) output wire [3:0] wid_o, output wire [31:0] wdata_o, output wire [3:0] wstrb_o, output wire wlast_o, output wire wvalid_o, input wire wready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (B channel) input wire [3:0] bid_i, input wire [1:0] bresp_i, input wire bvalid_i, output wire bready_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AR channel) output wire [3:0] arid_o, output wire [31:0] araddr_o, output wire [3:0] arlen_o, output wire [2:0] arsize_o, output wire [1:0] arburst_o, output wire arvalid_o, input wire arready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (R channel) input wire [3:0] rid_i, input wire [31:0] rdata_i, input wire [1:0] rresp_i, input wire rlast_i, input wire rvalid_i, output wire rready_o ); // mnemonics for state values localparam S_IDLE = 3'd0, S_RREQ = 3'd1, S_RDATA = 3'd2, S_WREQ = 3'd3, S_WDATA = 3'd4; reg [2:0] state, state_n; reg [31:0] src_addr, src_addr_n; reg [31:0] dst_addr, dst_addr_n; reg [15:0] cnt, cnt_n; reg [3:0] wcnt, wcnt_n; reg arvalid, rready, awvalid, wvalid, wlast, done; wire fifo_full, fifo_empty; reg fifo_wren, fifo_rden; wire [31:0] fifo_rdata; // it's desirable to code registers in a simple way always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin state <= S_IDLE; src_addr <= 32'd0; dst_addr <= 32'd0; cnt <= 16'd0; wcnt <= 4'd0; end else begin state <= state_n; src_addr <= src_addr_n; dst_addr <= dst_addr_n; cnt <= cnt_n; wcnt <= wcnt_n; end // this block programs output values and next register values // based on states. always_comb begin // ********************** // ********************** // FILL YOUR CODE HERE // ********************** // ********************** end DMAC_FIFO u_fifo ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .full_o (fifo_full), .wren_i (fifo_wren), .wdata_i (rdata_i), .empty_o (fifo_empty), .rden_i (fifo_rden), .rdata_o (fifo_rdata) ); // Output assigments assign done_o = done; assign awid_o = 4'd0; assign awaddr_o = dst_addr; assign awlen_o = (cnt >= 'd64) ? 4'hF: cnt[5:2]-4'h1; assign awsize_o = 3'b010; // 4 bytes per transfer assign awburst_o = 2'b01; // incremental assign awvalid_o = awvalid; assign wid_o = 4'd0; assign wdata_o = fifo_rdata; assign wstrb_o = 4'b1111; // all bytes within 4 byte are valid assign wlast_o = wlast; assign wvalid_o = wvalid; assign bready_o = 1'b1; assign arvalid_o = arvalid; assign araddr_o = src_addr; assign arid_o = 4'd0; assign arlen_o = (cnt >= 'd64) ? 4'hF: cnt[5:2]-4'h1; assign arsize_o = 3'b010; // 4 bytes per transfer assign arburst_o = 2'b01; // incremental assign arvalid_o = arvalid; assign rready_o = rready & !fifo_full; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_FIFO #( parameter DEPTH_LG2 = 4, parameter DATA_WIDTH = 32 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, output wire full_o, input wire wren_i, input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata_i, output wire empty_o, input wire rden_i, output wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdata_o ); localparam FIFO_DEPTH = (1<<DEPTH_LG2); reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data[FIFO_DEPTH]; reg full, full_n, empty, empty_n; reg [DEPTH_LG2:0] wrptr, wrptr_n, rdptr, rdptr_n; // reset entries to all 0s always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin full <= 1'b0; empty <= 1'b1; // empty after as reset wrptr <= {(DEPTH_LG2+1){1'b0}}; rdptr <= {(DEPTH_LG2+1){1'b0}}; for (int i=0; i<FIFO_DEPTH; i++) begin data[i] <= {DATA_WIDTH{1'b0}}; end end else begin full <= full_n; empty <= empty_n; wrptr <= wrptr_n; rdptr <= rdptr_n; if (wren_i) begin data[wrptr[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]] <= wdata_i; end end always_comb begin wrptr_n = wrptr; rdptr_n = rdptr; if (wren_i) begin wrptr_n = wrptr + 'd1; end if (rden_i) begin rdptr_n = rdptr + 'd1; end empty_n = (wrptr_n == rdptr_n); full_n = (wrptr_n[DEPTH_LG2]!=rdptr_n[DEPTH_LG2]) &(wrptr_n[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]==rdptr_n[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]); end // synthesis translate_off always @(posedge clk) begin if (full_o & wren_i) begin display("FIFO overflow"); @(posedge clk); finish; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if (empty_o & rden_i) begin display("FIFO underflow"); @(posedge clk); finish; end end // synthesis translate_on assign full_o = full; assign empty_o = empty; assign rdata_o = data[rdptr[DEPTH_LG2-1:0]]; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> module DMAC_TOP ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low // AMBA APB interface input wire psel_i, input wire penable_i, input wire [11:0] paddr_i, input wire pwrite_i, input wire [31:0] pwdata_i, output reg pready_o, output reg [31:0] prdata_o, output reg pslverr_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) output wire [3:0] awid_o, output wire [31:0] awaddr_o, output wire [3:0] awlen_o, output wire [2:0] awsize_o, output wire [1:0] awburst_o, output wire awvalid_o, input wire awready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) output wire [3:0] wid_o, output wire [31:0] wdata_o, output wire [3:0] wstrb_o, output wire wlast_o, output wire wvalid_o, input wire wready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (B channel) input wire [3:0] bid_i, input wire [1:0] bresp_i, input wire bvalid_i, output wire bready_o, // AMBA AXI interface (AR channel) output wire [3:0] arid_o, output wire [31:0] araddr_o, output wire [3:0] arlen_o, output wire [2:0] arsize_o, output wire [1:0] arburst_o, output wire arvalid_o, input wire arready_i, // AMBA AXI interface (R channel) input wire [3:0] rid_i, input wire [31:0] rdata_i, input wire [1:0] rresp_i, input wire rlast_i, input wire rvalid_i, output wire rready_o ); wire [31:0] src_addr; wire [31:0] dst_addr; wire [15:0] byte_len; wire start; wire done; DMAC_CFG u_cfg( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), // AMBA APB interface .psel_i (psel_i), .penable_i (penable_i), .paddr_i (paddr_i), .pwrite_i (pwrite_i), .pwdata_i (pwdata_i), .pready_o (pready_o), .prdata_o (prdata_o), .pslverr_o (pslverr_o), .src_addr_o (src_addr), .dst_addr_o (dst_addr), .byte_len_o (byte_len), .start_o (start), .done_i (done) ); DMAC_ENGINE u_engine( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), // configuration registers .src_addr_i (src_addr), .dst_addr_i (dst_addr), .byte_len_i (byte_len), .start_i (start), .done_o (done), // AMBA AXI interface (AW channel) .awid_o (awid_o), .awaddr_o (awaddr_o), .awlen_o (awlen_o), .awsize_o (awsize_o), .awburst_o (awburst_o), .awvalid_o (awvalid_o), .awready_i (awready_i), // AMBA AXI interface (W channel) .wid_o (wid_o), .wdata_o (wdata_o), .wstrb_o (wstrb_o), .wlast_o (wlast_o), .wvalid_o (wvalid_o), .wready_i (wready_i), // AMBA AXI interface (B channel) .bid_i (bid_i), .bresp_i (bresp_i), .bvalid_i (bvalid_i), .bready_o (bready_o), // AMBA AXI interface (AR channel) .arid_o (arid_o), .araddr_o (araddr_o), .arlen_o (arlen_o), .arsize_o (arsize_o), .arburst_o (arburst_o), .arvalid_o (arvalid_o), .arready_i (arready_i), // AMBA AXI interface (R channel) .rid_i (rid_i), .rdata_i (rdata_i), .rresp_i (rresp_i), .rlast_i (rlast_i), .rvalid_i (rvalid_i), .rready_o (rready_o) ); endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/RTL/filelist.f>>> -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ -sverilog LAB_PATH/RTL/ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/RTL/filelist.f>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> `include "../TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh" interface AXI_AW_CH #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = `AXI_ADDR_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic awvalid; logic awready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] awid; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] awaddr; logic [3:0] awlen; logic [2:0] awsize; logic [1:0] awburst; endinterface interface AXI_W_CH #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = `AXI_DATA_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic wvalid; logic wready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] wid; logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wdata; logic [DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] wstrb; logic wlast; endinterface interface AXI_B_CH #( parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic bvalid; logic bready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] bid; logic [1:0] bresp; endinterface interface AXI_AR_CH #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = `AXI_ADDR_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic arvalid; logic arready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] arid; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] araddr; logic [3:0] arlen; logic [2:0] arsize; logic [1:0] arburst; endinterface interface AXI_R_CH #( parameter DATA_WIDTH = `AXI_DATA_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH ) ( input clk ); logic rvalid; logic rready; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] rid; logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rdata; logic [1:0] rresp; logic rlast; endinterface interface APB ( input clk ); logic psel; logic penable; logic [31:0] paddr; logic pwrite; logic [31:0] pwdata; logic pready; logic [31:0] prdata; logic pslverr; modport master ( input clk, input pready, prdata, pslverr, output psel, penable, paddr, pwrite, pwdata ); task init(); psel = 1'b0; penable = 1'b0; paddr = 32'd0; pwrite = 1'b0; pwdata = 32'd0; endtask task write(input int addr, input int data); #1 psel = 1'b1; penable = 1'b0; paddr = addr; pwrite = 1'b1; pwdata = data; @(posedge clk); #1 penable = 1'b1; @(posedge clk); while (pready==1'b0) begin @(posedge clk); end psel = 1'b0; penable = 1'b0; paddr = 'hX; pwrite = 1'bx; pwdata = 'hX; endtask task read(input int addr, output int data); #1 psel = 1'b1; penable = 1'b0; paddr = addr; pwrite = 1'b0; pwdata = 'hX; @(posedge clk); #1 penable = 1'b1; @(posedge clk); while (pready==1'b0) begin @(posedge clk); end data = prdata; psel = 1'b0; penable = 1'b0; paddr = 'hX; pwrite = 1'bx; pwdata = 'hX; endtask endinterface <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> `include "../TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh" module AXI_SLAVE #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 16, parameter DATA_WIDTH = `AXI_DATA_WIDTH, parameter ID_WIDTH = `AXI_ID_WIDTH, parameter AWREADY_DELAY = 1, parameter ARREADY_DELAY = 1, parameter AR2R_DELAY = 50 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // _n means active low AXI_AW_CH aw_ch, AXI_W_CH w_ch, AXI_B_CH b_ch, AXI_AR_CH ar_ch, AXI_R_CH r_ch ); localparam DATA_DEPTH = 1<<ADDR_WIDTH; logic [7:0] mem[DATA_DEPTH]; function void write_byte(int addr, input bit [7:0] wdata); mem[addr] = wdata; endfunction function void write_word(int addr, input bit [31:0] wdata); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) begin write_byte(addr+i, wdata[8*i +: 8]); // [i*8+7:i*8] end endfunction function bit [7:0] read_byte(int addr); read_byte = mem[addr]; endfunction function bit [31:0] read_word(int addr); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) begin read_word[8*i +: 8] = read_byte(addr+i);// [i*8+7:i*8] end endfunction //---------------------------------------------------------- // write channels (AW, W, B) //---------------------------------------------------------- localparam logic [1:0] S_W_IDLE = 0, S_W_AWREADY = 1, S_W_BURST = 2, S_W_RESP = 3; logic [1:0] wstate, wstate_n; logic [7:0] wcnt, wcnt_n; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] waddr, waddr_n; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] wid, wid_n; logic [3:0] wlen, wlen_n; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin wstate <= S_W_IDLE; wcnt <= 8'd0; waddr <= {ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; wid <= {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; wlen <= 4'd0; end else begin wstate <= wstate_n; wcnt <= wcnt_n; waddr <= waddr_n; wid <= wid_n; wlen <= wlen_n; end always @(*) begin wstate_n = wstate; wcnt_n = wcnt; waddr_n = waddr; wid_n = wid; wlen_n = wlen; aw_ch.awready = 1'b0; w_ch.wready = 1'b0; b_ch.bvalid = 1'b0; case (wstate) S_W_IDLE: begin if (aw_ch.awvalid) begin if (AWREADY_DELAY == 0) begin waddr_n = aw_ch.awaddr; wid_n = aw_ch.awid; wlen_n = aw_ch.awlen; aw_ch.awready = 1'b1; wstate_n = S_W_BURST; end else begin wcnt_n = AWREADY_DELAY-1; wstate_n = S_W_AWREADY; end end end S_W_AWREADY: begin if (wcnt==0) begin waddr_n = aw_ch.awaddr; wid_n = aw_ch.awid; wlen_n = aw_ch.awlen; aw_ch.awready = 1'b1; wstate_n = S_W_BURST; end else begin wcnt_n = wcnt - 8'd1; end end S_W_BURST: begin w_ch.wready = 1'b1; if (w_ch.wvalid) begin for (int i=0; i<DATA_WIDTH/8; i++) begin write_byte(waddr + i, w_ch.wdata[i*8 +: 8]); // [i*8+7:i*8] end waddr_n = waddr + (DATA_WIDTH/8); if (wlen==4'd0) begin wstate_n = S_W_RESP; end else begin wlen_n = wlen - 4'd1; end end end S_W_RESP: begin b_ch.bvalid = 1'b1; if (b_ch.bready) begin wstate_n = S_W_IDLE; end end endcase end //---------------------------------------------------------- // read channel (AR, R) //---------------------------------------------------------- localparam logic [1:0] S_R_IDLE = 0, S_R_ARREADY = 1, S_R_DELAY = 2, S_R_BURST = 3; logic [1:0] rstate, rstate_n; logic [7:0] rcnt, rcnt_n; logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] raddr, raddr_n; logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] rid, rid_n; logic [3:0] rlen, rlen_n; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (!rst_n) begin rstate <= S_R_IDLE; rcnt <= 8'd0; raddr <= {ADDR_WIDTH{1'b0}}; rid <= {ID_WIDTH{1'b0}}; rlen <= 4'd0; end else begin rstate <= rstate_n; rcnt <= rcnt_n; raddr <= raddr_n; rid <= rid_n; rlen <= rlen_n; end always_comb begin rstate_n = rstate; rcnt_n = rcnt; raddr_n = raddr; rid_n = rid; rlen_n = rlen; ar_ch.arready = 1'b0; r_ch.rvalid = 1'b0; r_ch.rlast = 1'b0; case (rstate) S_R_IDLE: begin if (ar_ch.arvalid) begin if (ARREADY_DELAY == 0) begin raddr_n = ar_ch.araddr; rid_n = ar_ch.arid; rlen_n = ar_ch.arlen; ar_ch.arready = 1'b1; rcnt_n = AR2R_DELAY - 1; rstate_n = S_R_DELAY; end else begin rcnt_n = ARREADY_DELAY-1; rstate_n = S_R_ARREADY; end end end S_R_ARREADY: begin if (rcnt==0) begin raddr_n = ar_ch.araddr; rid_n = ar_ch.arid; rlen_n = ar_ch.arlen; ar_ch.arready = 1'b1; rcnt_n = AR2R_DELAY - 1; rstate_n = S_R_DELAY; end else begin rcnt_n = rcnt - 8'd1; end end S_R_DELAY: begin if (rcnt==0) begin rstate_n = S_R_BURST; end else begin rcnt_n = rcnt - 8'd1; end end S_R_BURST: begin r_ch.rvalid = 1'b1; r_ch.rlast = (rlen==4'd0); for (int i=0; i<DATA_WIDTH/8; i++) begin r_ch.rdata[i*8 +: 8] = read_byte(raddr + i); // [i*8+7:i*8] end if (r_ch.rready) begin raddr_n = raddr + (DATA_WIDTH/8); if (rlen==4'd0) begin rstate_n = S_R_IDLE; end else begin rlen_n = rlen - 4'd1; end end end endcase end // output assignments assign = wid; assign b_ch.bresp = 2'd0; assign r_ch.rid = rid; assign r_ch.rresp = 2'd0; endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh>>> `ifndef __AXI_TYPEDEF_SVH__ `define __AXI_TYPEDEF_SVH__ `define AXI_ADDR_WIDTH 32 `define AXI_DATA_WIDTH 32 `define AXI_ID_WIDTH 4 `endif /* __AXI_TYPEDEF_SVH__ */ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/AXI_TYPEDEF.svh>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> `define IP_VER 32'h000 `define SRC_ADDR 32'h100 `define DST_ADDR 32'h104 `define LEN_ADDR 32'h108 `define STAT_ADDR 32'h110 `define START_ADDR 32'h10c `define TIMEOUT_CYCLE 999999 module DMAC_TOP_TB (); reg clk; reg rst_n; // clock generation initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever #10 clk = !clk; end // reset generation initial begin rst_n = 1'b0; // active at time 0 repeat (3) @(posedge clk); // after 3 cycles, rst_n = 1'b1; // release the reset end // enable waveform dump initial begin dumpvars(0, u_DUT); dumpfile("dump.vcd"); end // timeout initial begin #`TIMEOUT_CYCLE display("Timeout!"); finish; end APB apb_if (.clk(clk)); AXI_AW_CH aw_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_W_CH w_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_B_CH b_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_AR_CH ar_ch (.clk(clk)); AXI_R_CH r_ch (.clk(clk)); task test_init(); int data; apb_if.init(); @(posedge rst_n); // wait for a release of the reset repeat (10) @(posedge clk); // wait another 10 cycles`IP_VER, data); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("IP version: %x", data); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Reset value test"); display("---------------------------------------------------");`SRC_ADDR, data); if (data===0) display("DMA_SRC(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_SRC(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end`DST_ADDR, data); if (data===0) display("DMA_DST(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_DST(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end`LEN_ADDR, data); if (data===0) display("DMA_LEN(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_LEN(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end`STAT_ADDR, data); if (data===1) display("DMA_STATUS(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_STATUS(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end endtask task test_dma(input int src, input int dst, input int len); int data; int word; realtime elapsed_time; display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Load data to memory"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); for (int i=src; i<(src+len); i=i+4) begin word = random; u_mem.write_word(i, word); end display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Configuration test"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); apb_if.write(`SRC_ADDR, src);`SRC_ADDR, data); if (data===src) display("DMA_SRC(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_SRC(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end apb_if.write(`DST_ADDR, dst);`DST_ADDR, data); if (data===dst) display("DMA_DST(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_DST(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end apb_if.write(`LEN_ADDR, len);`LEN_ADDR, data); if (data===len) display("DMA_LEN(pass): %x", data); else begin display("DMA_LEN(fail): %x", data); @(posedge clk); finish; end display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("DMA start"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); apb_if.write(`START_ADDR, 32'h1); elapsed_time = realtime; display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("Wait for a DMA completion"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); data = 0; while (data!=1) begin`STAT_ADDR, data); repeat (100) @(posedge clk); end @(posedge clk); elapsed_time = realtime - elapsed_time; timeformat(-9, 0, " ns", 10); display("Elapsed time for DMA: %t", elapsed_time); display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("DMA completed"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); repeat (len) @(posedge clk); // to make sure data is written display("---------------------------------------------------"); display("verify data"); display("---------------------------------------------------"); for (int i=0; i<len; i=i+4) begin logic [31:0] src_word; logic [31:0] dst_word; src_word = u_mem.read_word(src+i); dst_word = u_mem.read_word(dst+i); if (src_word!==dst_word) begin display("Mismatch! (src:%x @%x, dst:%x @%x", src_word, src+i, dst_word, dst+i); end end endtask int src, dst, len; // main initial begin test_init(); src = 'h0000_1000; dst = 'h0000_2000; len = 'h0100; display("==================================================="); display("= 1st trial"); display("= Copying %x bytes from %x to %x", len, src, dst); display("==================================================="); test_dma(src, dst, len); src = 'h1234_1234; dst = 'hABCD_ABCC; len = 'h0F00; display("==================================================="); display("= 2nd trial (long transfer)"); display("= Copying %x bytes from %x to %x", len, src, dst); display("==================================================="); test_dma(src, dst, len); src = 'h4278_0000; dst = 'h4278_1000; len = 'h0F10; display("==================================================="); display("= 3rd trial (long transfer-2)"); display("= Copying %x bytes from %x to %x", len, src, dst); display("==================================================="); test_dma(src, dst, len); finish; end AXI_SLAVE u_mem ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .aw_ch (aw_ch), .w_ch (w_ch), .b_ch (b_ch), .ar_ch (ar_ch), .r_ch (r_ch) ); DMAC_TOP u_DUT ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), // APB interface .psel_i (apb_if.psel), .penable_i (apb_if.penable), .paddr_i (apb_if.paddr[11:0]), .pwrite_i (apb_if.pwrite), .pwdata_i (apb_if.pwdata), .pready_o (apb_if.pready), .prdata_o (apb_if.prdata), .pslverr_o (apb_if.pslverr), // AXI AW channel .awid_o (aw_ch.awid), .awaddr_o (aw_ch.awaddr), .awlen_o (aw_ch.awlen), .awsize_o (aw_ch.awsize), .awburst_o (aw_ch.awburst), .awvalid_o (aw_ch.awvalid), .awready_i (aw_ch.awready), // AXI W channel .wid_o (w_ch.wid), .wdata_o (w_ch.wdata), .wstrb_o (w_ch.wstrb), .wlast_o (w_ch.wlast), .wvalid_o (w_ch.wvalid), .wready_i (w_ch.wready), // AXI B channel .bid_i (, .bresp_i (b_ch.bresp), .bvalid_i (b_ch.bvalid), .bready_o (b_ch.bready), // AXI AR channel .arid_o (ar_ch.arid), .araddr_o (ar_ch.araddr), .arlen_o (ar_ch.arlen), .arsize_o (ar_ch.arsize), .arburst_o (ar_ch.arburst), .arvalid_o (ar_ch.arvalid), .arready_i (ar_ch.arready), // AXI R channel .rid_i (r_ch.rid), .rdata_i (r_ch.rdata), .rresp_i (r_ch.rresp), .rlast_i (r_ch.rlast), .rvalid_i (r_ch.rvalid), .rready_o (r_ch.rready) ); endmodule <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/filelist.f>>> LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/timescale.v LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/ LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/ LAB_PATH/SIM/TB/ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/filelist.f>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/timescale.v>>> `timescale 1ns/1ps <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/TB/timescale.v>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ export LAB_PATH="PWD/../" FILELIST_TB="../TB/filelist.f" FILELIST_RTL="../../RTL/filelist.f" echo "Cleaning up the old directory" rm -rf RUN_DIR echo "Creating a new directory" mkdir -p RUN_DIR cd RUN_DIR echo "Compiling" COMPILE_CMD COMPILE_OPTIONS -f FILELIST_TB -f FILELIST_RTL <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile4cov>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ export LAB_PATH="PWD/../" COV_DIR="PWD/VDB" COV_OPTIONS="-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch -cm_dir COV_DIR" FILELIST_TB="../TB/filelist.f" FILELIST_RTL="../../RTL/filelist.f" echo "Cleaning up the old directory" rm -rf RUN_DIR echo "Creating a new directory" mkdir -p RUN_DIR cd RUN_DIR echo "Compiling" COMPILE_CMD COMPILE_OPTIONS COV_OPTIONS -f FILELIST_TB -f FILELIST_RTL <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.compile4cov>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ if [ -e RUN_DIR/simv ]; then cd RUN_DIR ./simv else echo "Compile file does not exist" exit 1 fi <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim4cov>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ COV_DIR="PWD/VDB" COV_OPTIONS="-cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch -cm_dir COV_DIR" if [ -e RUN_DIR/simv ]; then cd RUN_DIR ./simv COV_OPTIONS else echo "Compile file does not exist" exit 1 fi <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.sim4cov>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ export LAB_PATH="PWD/../" FILELIST_TB="../TB/filelist.f" FILELIST_RTL="../../RTL/filelist.f" cd RUN_DIR VERDI_CMD VERDI_OPTIONS -f FILELIST_TB -f FILELIST_RTL <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi4cov>>> verdi -cov -covdir VDB.vdb/ <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.verdi4cov>>> <<<StartOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.waveform>>> #!/bin/bash source ../../scripts/ if [ -e RUN_DIR/dump.vcd ]; then cd RUN_DIR WAVE_CMD WAVE_OPTIONS -i dump.vcd else echo "Dump file does not exist" exit 1 fi <<<EndOfFile:DMAC/SIM/run.waveform>>>

answer:Certainly! It appears that you've shared a comprehensive set of files related to a Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) project, including Verilog/SystemVerilog modules, testbenches, and scripts for compilation, simulation, waveform viewing, and code coverage analysis. The key parts of the Direct Memory Access Controller include configuration (DMAC_CFG), engine (DMAC_ENGINE), a FIFO buffer (DMAC_FIFO), and the top module (DMAC_TOP) which integrates all components and interfaces. To focus on the specific request you've made for providing code where indicated as "FILL YOUR CODE HERE" in the DMAC_ENGINE module, let's look into that. Given the descriptions and comments inside the `DMAC_ENGINE` module, the primary role of the `always_comb` block where the code needs to be filled is to handle the state transitions and control signals based on the current state of the DMA operation. Let's go ahead and fill this in based on the state definitions and expected behavior outlined in the comments. # Code to Fill "FILL YOUR CODE HERE" For ``, `always_comb` logic for managing various states can be implemented as: ```systemverilog // this block programs output values and next register values // based on states. always_comb begin state_n = state; // Default to retaining current state unless a state change is dictated by logic below. // Default next values for control registers to their current state to preserve values unless specifically changed below src_addr_n = src_addr; dst_addr_n = dst_addr; cnt_n = cnt; wcnt_n = wcnt; arvalid = 0; rready = 0; awvalid = 0; wvalid = 0; wlast = 0; fifo_rden = 0; fifo_wren = 0; done = 0; case (state) S_IDLE: begin if (start_i) begin arvalid = 1; // Start with read request state_n = S_RREQ; src_addr_n = src_addr_i; dst_addr_n = dst_addr_i; cnt_n = byte_len_i; wcnt_n = 0; // Reset write counter end end S_RREQ: begin if (arready_i) begin arvalid = 0; // Clear read request state_n = S_RDATA; rready = 1; end end S_RDATA: begin rready = 1; fifo_wren = rvalid_i & rready; if (rlast_i && rvalid_i && rready) begin state_n = S_WREQ; end end S_WREQ: begin if (!fifo_empty) begin awvalid = 1; // Indicate write request state_n = S_WDATA; end end S_WDATA: begin if (awready_i && !fifo_empty) begin awvalid = 0; // Clear write request flag fifo_rden = 1; wvalid = 1; wcnt_n = wcnt + 1; if (wcnt_n == cnt) begin wlast = 1; wvalid = 0; state_n = S_IDLE; done = 1; // DMA operation complete end end end endcase end ``` This code snippet covers basic operation flow for a DMA engine based on the various states it can be in: Idle, read request, read data processing, write request, and write data processing. It also handles the read-data-write cycle with a simple FIFO buffer for data transfer, assuming a continuous stream of data being read from a source address and written to a destination address. Remember, the actual implementation detail may vary based on unknown specifications or provisions outside of what's outlined here, such as timing considerations, exact handling of handshake signals, or additional operational features not captured entirely within the given scope.

Released under the MIT License.

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