question:翻译成专业论文英文:(2)员工协助量表 员工协助量表经信度分析后,其Cronbach's α为.966,题目决断值及与总分之相关均达显著,内容详述如表3-3-2所示。 表3-3-2员工协助量表项目分析表
answer:Translation into professional academic English: (2) Employee Assistance Program Scale After conducting reliability analysis, the Employee Assistance Program Scale showed a Cronbach's α of .966. The significance of the item discrimination values and their correlations with the total score indicate good reliability. The detailed content is presented in Table 3-3-2. Table 3-3-2: Item Analysis of the Employee Assistance Program Scale
question:翻译成专业论文英文:(3)幸福感量表 幸福感量表经信度分析后,其Cronbach'sα为.812,题目决断值及总分之相关第6题未达显著,其余皆达显著标准,内容详述如表3-3-3所示。 表3-3-3幸福感量表项目分析表
answer:Translation into professional academic English: (3) Happiness Scale After conducting reliability analysis, the Happiness Scale showed a Cronbach's α of .812. The significance of the item discrimination values and their correlations with the total score indicate that all items, except for item 6, reached significant levels. The detailed content is presented in Table 3-3-3. Table 3-3-3: Item Analysis of the Happiness Scale
question:翻译成专业论文英文:3.3.8效度分析 本研究采验证性因素分析,为确保问卷具良好之收效度,以组合信度大于0.6与变异数提取量大于0.36作为判断之基准;另平均变异提取量比较法,检验问卷维度之变异数提取量是否大于各维度间的相关系数平方,来作为说明各维度间是否具有足够区别。 职家冲突量表第一次验证性因素分析系以原题数之1题8项进行分析,结果显现,其因素负荷量皆大于0.4,内容详述如表3-3-4。 表3-3-4职家冲突量表第一次验证性因素分析
answer:Translation into professional academic English: 3.3.8 Validity Analysis Confirmatory factor analysis was employed in this study to ensure the questionnaire's good construct validity. The criteria for judgment were set as a composite reliability greater than 0.6 and an average variance extracted greater than 0.36. Additionally, the method of comparing the average extracted variances was used to examine whether the extracted variances of the questionnaire's dimensions were greater than the square of the correlation coefficients between the dimensions. This served as an indicator of whether the dimensions had sufficient discriminability. The initial confirmatory factor analysis of the Work-Family Conflict Scale was conducted with the original 18 items. The results revealed factor loadings greater than 0.4 for all items. The detailed content is presented in Table 3-3-4. Table 3-3-4: Initial Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Work-Family Conflict Scale
answer:根据热传导定律,可以推导出点A和点B的温度变化与表面热流密度之间的关系。假设圆柱体的导热系数为k,圆柱体的半径为r,表面加热流密度为q。 根据热传导定律,可以得到点A和点B的温度变化分别为: △T_A = q * (r + 0.3) / (2 * k) △T_B = q * (r + 0.1) / (2 * k) 其中,△T_A和△T_B分别为点A和点B的温度变化,单位为摄氏度;r为圆柱体的半径,单位为cm;k为圆柱体的导热系数,单位为mW/cm•°C;q为表面加热流密度,单位为mW/cm2。 根据上述公式,可以得到点A和点B的温度变化,然后通过测量点A和点B的温度来计算得到表面热流密度。 计算流程如下: 1. 测量并记录点A和点B的温度变化,分别记为△T_A和△T_B。 2. 将△T_A和△T_B代入公式,解出表面加热流密度q: q = (2 * k * △T_A) / (r + 0.3) = (2 * k * △T_B) / (r + 0.1) 3. 得到表面热流密度q的值,单位为mW/cm2。