question:Paleontologists recently discovered teeth from several woolly mammoths on an isolated Arctic island where no mammoth fossils had previously been found. The teeth were 25 percent smaller on average than adult mammoth teeth that have been found elsewhere, but they are clearly adult mammoth teeth. Ttherefore, provided that the teeth are representative of their respective populations, woolly mammoths that lived on the island were smaller on average than those that lived elsewhere. Which one of the following, if assumed, would allow the conclusion to be properly drawn? A: Neither tooth size nor overall body size is completely uniform among adult members of most species, including woolly mammoths. B: The tooth wear that naturally occurs in many animals over the course of their adult years did not result in a significant change in tooth size among adult woolly mammoths as they aged. C: Tooth size among adult woolly mammoths was always directly proportional to the overall size of those mammoths. D: Woolly mammoths of the kind that lived on the island had the same number and variety of teeth as mammoths that lived elsewhere had. Choose A, B, C or D as your solution.
question:Copyright statutes benefit society by providing incentive to produce original works, so some kind of copyright statute is ultimately justified. But these statutes also represent a significant cost to society because they create protected monopolies. In many countries, copyright statutes grant copyright protection for the life of the author plus several decades. This is too long, since the societal benefit from the additional years of copyright is more than offset by the societal cost. Which one of the following principles, if valid, most strongly supports the reasoning in the argument? A: A statute should not limit rights unless it can be shown that it thereby enhances other rights. B: A statute should be written in a way that eliminates any appearance of its being inconsistent in its aims. C: If a statute is to be justified by its benefit to society, it should be designed so that its societal benefit always exceeds its societal cost. D: A statute should be repealed if the conditions that originally justified enacting the statute no longer hold true. Choose A, B, C or D as your solution.
question:Some companies in fields where skilled employees are hard to find make signing an agreement not to compete a condition of employment. In such an agreement the employee promises not to go to work for a competing firm for a set period after leaving his or her current employer. Courts are increasingly ruling that these agreements are not binding. Yet paradoxically, for people who signed such agreements when working for competing firms, many firms are unwilling to consider hiring them during the period covered by the agreement. Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the paradox? A: Many companies will not risk having to become involved in lawsuits, even suits that they expect to have a favorable outcome, because of the associated costs and publicity. B: Most companies that require their employees to sign agreements not to compete are aware that these documents are not legally binding. C: Many people who have signed agreements not to compete are unwilling to renege on a promise by going to work for a competing firm. D: Many companies consider their employees' established relationships with clients and other people outside the company to be valuable company assets. Choose A, B, C or D as your solution.
question:The State has proposed a plan requiring all young people to perform community service as a requirement for graduation from high school. The goal is to use the young people to provide services to correct social ills, especially those in housing and crime. Young people, however, should only be required to participate in educational activities to graduate from high school. For that reason, the proposed program should not be implemented. Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? A: Community service does not provide any educational benefit to young people. B: Some of the social ills that could be helped are being ignored by this program. C: Young people do not cause the social ills mentioned. D: Community service is not beneficial to young people. Choose A, B, C or D as your solution.