question:Task two: Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words given in the brackets after each sentence. 1. Google receives a resume every two seconds, but the ______staff say they still struggle to find the right people, in part because Google has a reputation for having a tough hiring policy. (recruit) 2. Fear of failure, _______or making mistakes hinders our creative impulses and our ability to create extraordinary changes in the world. (humiliate) 3. Modernized, urbanized and_______ as many of us are, these photographs remind us of nature's many complexities and subtleties. (alienate) 4. You can use these automations to improve the__________ of your team, improve the quality of the solution, and support your governance process. (productive) 5. We are ______ that the death rate from COVID-19 has been coming down, and the Chinese top medical staff is determined to keep pushing for more research to develop lifesaving medicines. (gratify) 6. Studies in two ________ scientific journals say dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate or milk chocolate -- is good for your health. (prestige) 7. China provides the African countries with necessary assistance in ________ with common practices on the basis of humanitarianism. (conform) 8. The fact that the proposal won ________support reflects the deep concern of the international community about the dangers posed by such tests. (unanimity)
answer:1. recruiting 2. humiliation 3. alienated 4. productivity 5. gratified 6. prestigious 7. conformity 8. unanimous
question:Vocabulary (70% 3.5’each) Task one: Fill in the blanks of the following sentences by choosing a proper word or expression provided in the box. Change the form of the word or expression if necessary. Each word or expression can be used only ONCE. acknowledge assert assimilate diversity equivalent envisionglobal institution framework transcend bound to in this regard 1. Halliday's theoretical __________ has shown that language is a socially constructed system. 2. To believe in the 'superiority' of the American system is the political ___________ in believing in the horoscope or the tooth fairy. 3. This is to __________ that racism is not just a belief, but also an action. 4. Museums and other ___________ of informal learning may be better suited to teach this skill than elementary schools. 5. The company's problems, _____________, are certainly not unique. 6. He’s speaking up and ________ himself confidently. 7. All of these changes in the ________ market had a dramatic effect on the labour market within Britain. 8. The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there’s __________ be conflict. 9. Few countries have as rich a __________ of habitat as South Africa. 10. There is every sign that new Asian-Americans are just as willing to __________. 11. Through imagination, we are able to _________ distant future. 12. John Kennedy appealed to the idea that humans can _________ what were once considered inherent limitations.
answer:1. framework 2. equivalent 3. assert 4. institutions 5. in this regard 6. asserting 7. global 8. bound to 9. diversity 10. assimilate 11. envision 12. transcend
question:Task Two Direction: The word “yield” and “contract” have different meanings in different contexts. Read the following sentences and try to find the right definition for the word in each sentence. Put the representing letter of the definition on the space provided. Definitions of “yield” A) to give in, as to influence or pressureB) to allow someone else to have control or responsibility for somethingC) the amount of food produced on an area of land or by a number of animalsD) (for a tax or investment) to produce money or profitE) to produce a result or a piece of information ________ 1. The President is now under pressure to yield power to the republic. ________ 2. Better irrigation can dramatically improve crop yield. ________ 3. This research has been in progress and has yielded a great number of positive results. ________ 4. They often go into fields yielding greater financial benefits. ________ 5. If the government does not yield, it should face sufficient military force to ensure its certain defeat. Definitions of “contract” F) to become smaller or shorterG) a legal agreementH) to become ill with a serious illness ________ 6. The service contracts include unlimited data use. ________ 7. Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts. ________ 8. He contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion.
answer:1. A 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. A 6. G 7. F 8. H
question:Direction: Tell whether the following statements are true or false based on the information in Text A. 1. Globalization seems to threaten the identity of the individual by making us follow others’ rules. A对 B错
answer:B. 错(False)