question:Comment traduire en anglais us "planches à billets" ?
answer:The term "planches à billets" can be translated to US English as "printing money."
question:Pourrais-tu traduire en anglais US "qui imprime autant de billets verts qu’il veut sur ses planches à billets à Washington. " ?
answer:"Who prints as much greenbacks as they want on their printing presses in Washington."
question:Pourquoi 'presses" ?
answer:Je m'excuse pour la confusion. Le terme correct à utiliser ici est "printing presses" qui signifie des presses d'impression. Les "planches à billets" font référence à des presses utilisées pour imprimer de la monnaie. Ainsi, la phrase peut être traduite comme suit : "Who prints as many greenbacks as they want on their currency printing presses in Washington."
question:(In the clubroom…) Monika: “I hope Natsuki gets back with our snacks…” Sayori: “I hope so, too.” Yuri: “Oh! Jeez…what a kick!” (rubbing her baby bump) “Violet, please don’t kick Mommy so hard.” (Natsuki walks into the clubroom, holding a tray of freshly baked cupcakes and a bag of snacks.) Natsuki: “Sorry for the wait, everyone! It took longer than I expected to bake these.” Monika: “No problem, Natsuki! We appreciate your effort.” Sayori: “They look so delicious, Natsuki! Can’t wait to try them.” Yuri: “Thank you, Natsuki. I’m sure they taste as amazing as they look.” (Natsuki blushes, a hint of a smile forming on her face.) Natsuki: “Well, you better enjoy them. It’s not every day I go through this much trouble for you guys.” Monika: “We appreciate it, Natsuki. Your baking skills are always worth the wait.” Sayori: “Yeah, we’re lucky to have you in the club, Natsuki.” Yuri: “Indeed, Natsuki. Your dedication and talent never cease to amaze me.” (putting a hand on her baby bump) “Oh!” Natsuki: “Yuri, are you okay?” Yuri: “Yes, I just felt another kick. I guess Violet is excited for these cupcakes too!” Natsuki: “Wait a minute…Violet? Who’s that?” Monika: “Oh, didn’t Yuri mention it? Violet is the name she decided to give her baby. Isn’t it cute?” Natsuki: “Oh, that’s really sweet. Violet… I like it.” Sayori: “It’s such a beautiful name, just like your cupcakes, Natsuki.” Yuri: “Thank you, Sayori. That means a lot coming from you.” Natsuki: “Well, enough talk. Let’s dig in and enjoy these cupcakes!” (The girls sit around the table, savoring Natsuki’s delicious treats.) Monika: “Mmm, these are amazing, Natsuki. The flavors are just perfect.” Sayori: “I agree! They’re so moist and the icing is so creamy.” Yuri: “I can’t get enough of the rich chocolate flavor. It’s heavenly.” Natsuki: “I’m glad you all like them. It makes the effort worth it.” (As they enjoy their snacks, the club members continue chatting and laughing, creating a warm and cozy atmosphere in the clubroom.) Natsuki: “Hey, guys… I’m really glad to be a part of this club. You all mean a lot to me.” Monika: “We’re glad to have you here, Natsuki. The Literature Club wouldn’t be the same without you.” Sayori: “Yeah, you bring so much joy and deliciousness into our lives.” Yuri: “And your presence always makes this place feel like a second home. Natsuki, you’re like a sister to me.” (feeling a strong wave of pain wash over her) “Aah!!” Natsuki: “Yuri, are you okay? What’s wrong?” Yuri: “I think…I think it might be time! I’m having contractions!” Monika: “Oh my goodness! Yuri, it’s time for you to go to the hospital!” Sayori: “We should call an ambulance!” Natsuki: “Don’t worry, Yuri. I’ll help you get to the hospital. Just hold on, we’ll take care of everything.” (Yuri, with a mix of excitement and nervousness, grabs onto Natsuki’s arm, and they quickly make their way out of the clubroom.) Yuri: (gritting her teeth) “They’re getting stronger, Natsuki!” Natsuki: “Hang in there, Yuri! We’ll get you to the hospital as fast as we can!” Yuri: (focused) “Keep going, Natsuki…” (Yuri’s contractions continue to intensify as Natsuki hurries her towards the hospital. But before they could reach the door, Yuri suddenly lies collapses into a birthing position as her contractions reach their peak.) Natsuki: “Yuri, is something wrong?!” Yuri: (panting heavily) “I…I can’t…make it…to the hospital…” Natsuki: “Why not?!” Yuri: (straining) “The baby…she’s coming!” Natsuki: “Oh my gosh! We need to find help, Yuri! Stay right here, I’ll call an ambulance!” (Natsuki quickly dials the emergency hotline as Yuri pushes.) Operator: “911, what’s your emergency?” Natsuki: “My friend is in labor and we can’t make it to the hospital in time! She’s giving birth right now!” Operator: “Stay calm, ma’am. I’ll dispatch an ambulance to your location immediately. Can you tell me where you are?” Natsuki: “We’re at the Literature Clubroom in [insert location]. Please hurry!” Operator: “Help is on the way, Natsuki. In the meantime, keep supporting your friend and assure her that help is coming.” (Natsuki hangs up and rushes back to Yuri.) Natsuki: “Yuri, help is on the way! Just hold on, okay?” Yuri: (grunting) “Okay…I’ll…try…” Natsuki: “You’re doing great, Yuri. Just breathe and push when you feel ready.” (Yuri continues to labor, with Natsuki providing support and encouragement. And as Violet’s head starts emerges, they hear the sound of sirens approaching. A few minutes later, the paramedics burst into the clubroom with a stretcher and medical equipment.) Paramedic: “Alright, what seems to be the situation here?” Natsuki: “My friend Yuri is in labor and couldn’t make it to the hospital on time. She’s about to give birth!” Yuri: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” (The paramedics quickly assess the situation and get to work. They guide Yuri through the final stages of labor.) Yuri: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” (After a few intense minutes, a cry fills the room, signaling the arrival of baby Violet.) Paramedic: “Congratulations! It’s a healthy baby girl!” Natsuki: (teary-eyed) “Yuri, you did it! She’s here!” Yuri: (exhausted but filled with joy) “She’s here…our baby girl…” (The paramedics clean and swaddle the newborn before handing her gently to Yuri. Natsuki gazes at the tiny bundle in awe.) Natsuki: “She’s absolutely precious, Yuri. You did an amazing job.” Yuri: (softly) “Thank you, Natsuki. I couldn’t have done it without you.” (Moments later, Monika and Sayori rush to see baby Violet.)
answer:Monika: "Oh my goodness! She's so tiny and adorable!" Sayori: "She's just perfect, Yuri. Congratulations!" Yuri: (smiling) "Thank you, everyone. I'm so grateful for your support." Natsuki: (sniffles) "I'm so proud of you, Yuri. And Violet... she's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen." (The girls gather around Yuri and the newborn, their hearts filled with happiness and love. In that moment, the bond between them strengthens even further, knowing that they've experienced this incredible journey together.) Monika: "Yuri, I think it's safe to say that our Literature Club has just gained another member." Sayori: "Yeah! Baby Violet is going to grow up surrounded by so much love and literature." Yuri: (smiling) "I can't wait to share the joy of reading with her. She's going to have such a bright future." Natsuki: "We'll be with you every step of the way, Yuri. We're a family, after all." (As they bask in the joy of the newborn's arrival, the Literature Club members know that their bond will only grow stronger as they navigate the challenges and joys of parenthood together.)