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answer:参加2023年闵行区见习教师规范化培训暑期封闭式培训训练的心得 我是一名来自闵行中学的高中化学老师,在今年的夏季,我有幸参加了2023年闵行区见习教师规范化培训暑期封闭式培训训练。通过这次培训,我收获颇多,对自己的教育理念有了更深的思考,并掌握了一些实用的教育技巧与方法。 首先,培训中的《数字转型背景下教师的专业发展》一节让我深刻认识到了数字化时代对教育的影响。现今社会快速发展,网络技术的普及使得信息获取更加便捷,我们作为教师需要跟上时代的步伐,提升自己的数字素养,将数字资源应用到教学中,更好地激发学生的学习兴趣和创造力。 其次,讲座中的《教师礼仪》让我意识到教师作为社会的一份子,在日常行为举止中更要注重自己的形象和言行。我明白了作为一名化学老师,要时刻保持自己的专业形象,用文明、优雅的礼仪来与学生、家长进行交流,树立良好的师生关系,为学生树立良好的榜样。 此外,培训中的《班主任工作》这一讲座让我对担任班主任的角色有了更深刻的认识。作为班主任,除了教学工作之外,还要关注学生的全面发展和个性特点,积极组织班级活动,帮助学生解决问题,促进学生的成长和发展。这对我来说是一个新的挑战,但也是一个机会,我会全力以赴地担当起这份责任,为学生的成长贡献自己的力量。 另外,在培训中,我也学到了如何听课、评课的技巧。通过反思自己的听课和评课经验,我明白到了评课的目的在于帮助教师提高教学质量,发现问题并进行改进。只有通过与他人的交流与反思,才能不断提高自己的教学水平,为学生提供更好的教育。 最后,与教研员陆艳老师的交流让我收获颇丰。陆老师作为经验丰富的教育工作者,给予了我很多宝贵的建议和指导。她强调了师德修养的重要性,要做到以身作则,守初心、担使命。她鼓励我们要设定高标准,不断提升自己的教育素养,时刻关注学生的需求,为他们提供更好的教学服务。 通过这次培训,我深刻认识到作为一名教师,我们需要不断学习和提升自己,与时俱进。只有不断学习和改进,我们才能更好地为学生提供优质的教育。我将把这次培训中所学到的知识运用到自己的教学实践中,在教育的道路上不断追求卓越,为学生的成长与发展贡献自己的力量。同时,我也希望与其他老师共同砥砺前行,共同进步,为闵行区的教育事业做出更大的贡献。

question:Write a 4000 word article on Amazon jobs

answer:Title: Amazon Jobs: Exploring Opportunities in the World's Leading E-commerce Company Introduction: Since its inception in 1994, Amazon has grown to become the largest online marketplace and the world's most valuable retailer. With its extensive range of products and services, the company has revolutionized the way we shop and has become an essential part of our daily lives. However, it's not just consumers who benefit from Amazon's success - the company also offers a vast array of employment opportunities. In this article, we will delve into the various job options available at Amazon, from entry-level positions to more specialized roles, and explore the benefits and challenges that come with working for this tech giant. Amazon's Expanding Empire: Before jumping into the job opportunities at Amazon, it's worth highlighting the company's vast geographic presence and its diverse array of businesses. Amazon's operations extend beyond just online retail, encompassing services such as cloud computing through Amazon Web Services (AWS), digital content streaming with Amazon Prime Video, and even the development of artificial intelligence and voice recognition technology with Alexa. Understanding the scope of Amazon's businesses is crucial in comprehending the vast range of careers the company offers. 1. Warehouse and Fulfillment Jobs: Amazon is known for its extensive network of fulfillment centers responsible for storing, packaging, and shipping millions of products to customers worldwide. Warehouse workers, commonly referred to as "fulfillment associates," form an essential part of this supply chain. These entry-level positions involve picking, packing, and organizing items while ensuring efficiency and adherence to safety guidelines. In this section, we will explore the job requirements, working conditions, and potential career progression in this essential part of Amazon's workforce. 2. Technology and Engineering Jobs: As a global leader in technology, Amazon heavily relies on innovation and cutting-edge software solutions to manage its massive operations. The company offers numerous technology-driven roles in software development, data analytics, machine learning, and infrastructure engineering. These positions require strong technical expertise and offer opportunities to work with some of the brightest minds in the industry. This section delves into the skill sets required for tech roles at Amazon and highlights the benefits of working in a fast-paced, tech-driven environment. 3. Corporate Jobs: Behind Amazon's thriving e-commerce empire is a wide range of corporate roles that support the company's strategic decision-making, finances, marketing, and human resources. This section discusses the various corporate job functions available at Amazon, from management and operations to marketing and public relations. We explore the skills and qualifications necessary for such roles and the advantages of being part of a dynamic, world-renowned corporation. 4. Remote Work Opportunities: In recent years, Amazon has increasingly embraced remote work options, particularly with the growth of AWS and other cloud-based services. This section delves into the remote work opportunities available within the company, exploring the advantages and challenges of working remotely for Amazon. We also discuss the tools and technologies that enable employees to collaborate effectively from different locations. 5. Career Growth and Benefits: Amazon's size and global footprint mean that there are ample opportunities for career growth within the company. In this section, we explore the various ways Amazon supports career advancement for its employees. We discuss the training programs, mentorship initiatives, and transfer options available to help individuals nurture their skills, progress through different roles, and unlock new opportunities. Additionally, we explore the comprehensive benefits package offered by Amazon, including health insurance, retirement plans, and the unique Career Choice program that supports employees' pursuit of education in high-demand fields. Conclusion: With its global presence, technological prowess, and diverse business ventures, Amazon offers a myriad of employment opportunities across different sectors. Whether you're interested in warehouse operations, technology and engineering, corporate functions, or remote work, Amazon caters to a wide range of skill sets and career aspirations. Through its emphasis on innovation, career growth, and comprehensive benefits, Amazon has solidified itself as an attractive employer in the ever-evolving landscape of the e-commerce industry.

question:parafraseie várias vezes "O sol escaldante, que costumava aquecer intensamente o chão, estava escondido pelas nuvens densas, as quais obscureciam não só o desenho das árvores ao longo do caminho, mas também o de minha sombra. "

answer:1. As nuvens densas obscureceram o sol quente que costumava aquecer o chão, tornando impossível ver o desenho das árvores ao longo do caminho e também minha sombra. 2. O sol intenso, que normalmente aquecia o chão, foi ocultado pelas nuvens espessas, fazendo com que as árvores ao longo do caminho e até mesmo minha sombra ficassem invisíveis. 3. As nuvens densas encobriram o sol escaldante que costumava esquentar o chão, resultando na completa obscuridade das árvores ao longo do caminho e até mesmo da minha própria sombra. 4. O sol forte, que costumava aquecer o chão intensamente, estava escondido pelas nuvens espessas, que não apenas tornavam impossível distinguir o contorno das árvores ao longo do caminho, mas também o formato da minha própria sombra. 5. As nuvens densas ocultaram o sol quente que normalmente esquentava o chão, obscurecendo não só o perfil das árvores ao longo do caminho, mas também a forma da minha sombra.

question:Please help to edit an eye-catching ad to attract a strategic investor for the Middle Eastern countries to invest in establishing Fujika brand smart and feature cellphone assembly plant on a turnkey basis. A unique project that not many manufacturers would agree to do outside their country. The text volume should not exceed 150 words.

answer:Attention Strategic Investors! Opportunity of a Lifetime! 💼💰 Invest in the game-changing Fujika brand, and witness the birth of a revolutionary endeavor in cellphone assembly! 📱🌍 Imagine having your very own state-of-the-art assembly plant in the heart of the Middle East, boasting cutting-edge technology and unrivaled expertise. With Fujika, this dream can become a reality! 🏭✨ Unlike other manufacturers, Fujika dares to break boundaries and promises to bring this unique project to your doorstep. Most manufacturers refuse to go beyond their borders, but not us! 🌐❌🚫 So don't miss out on this golden opportunity! Join hands with Fujika and be a part of a futuristic vision that transcends all expectations. Together, we can redefine the smartphone industry and make history! 🌌🚀 Contact us today and let's create a prosperous future together! 🤝💼💰

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